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David Marchak

Which families will be printed (version 3.0)

With the introduction of version 3.0, there are now many factors which will determine which families will be printed on a parish list, a custom report or on labels. If it looks like one (or more) of your families is missing from the list, you may want to check these options.

Family Status Code

  • Check the system defaults (Edit > System Setup > System Defaults) under the Reports tab to see if there is a check beside "Print all families, regardless of their "status" setting. If there is a check here, it will not matter what status code the family has.
  • If your family has no status code entered, they will be printed (unless there is some other factor at work).
  • If they do have a family status code, the program will look at the code itself to see if it should be printed. Check Edit > System Setup > Family Status Codes to see which codes will be printed and which will be left out.


  • Check the system defaults (Edit > System Setup > System Defaults) under the Reports tab to see if there is a check beside "Print families with an area outside parish boundaries". If there is a check mark here, then the area will not affect which families are printed.
  • If the above option is unchecked, have a look at which area a family is in. Then check their area (Edit > System Setup > Areas) to see if it listed as being "outside of parish boundaries". Note that it is possible for an area to be defined as being in or out of parish boundaries, depending on the street name. You should be consistent to avoid unexpected results.

Never Print

  • For individuals, there is a field marked "Never Print". If this is checked, their name will not be printed on any report, regardless of their family status, area, etc. This should only be used in those cases when you do not want a name printed on any list, ever again (for example, if someone dies, or refuses contact with the church).
  • The one exception to this "Never Print" option is income tax receipts. If a person contributes, they will get a receipt, even if they have died.

Sort Names

  • Version 3.0 now makes use of "Sort Names" as opposed to surnames when sorting reports. In most cases, the surname and sort name will match. However, you may set up your list to print Mc's and Mac's ahead of the other surnames that start with M by entering the sort name as M Donald or M Phee. Then if you try to print names from Martin to Medford, the program will not print the McDonald family, because their sort name does not fall between the entered names.
  • If you are used to the Dos version of Paritek, you may be used to typing a single name twice to generate a report for only one family. For example, if you wanted to print a label for the Bishop family, you could print names from Bishop to Bishop. Now, because we use the sort name instead of the surname, you must enter a wider range of names to print. If you enter the range as Bish to Bisi, you will probably see the information you want.

Address Order

  • As part of the address entry, there is a filed which allows you to define which order the address lines appear. One of the options is "Do Not Print". In this case, the name will appear on reports, but the address will not be included. This can be used in cases where someone has moved, but left no forwarding address or if they do not want any mail sent to their residence. This will also create an incomplete label (see below).


  • If you are missing names from your labels, it may be because the address is incomplete. An incomplete address is defined as one with less than two lines (including city). For example, a letter addressed to "Mrs. Patricia Monk, Vancouver BC" probably won't get to her. Check the system defaults (Edit > System Setup > System Defaults) under the Labels tab to see if there is a check beside "Print labels for families without a proper address". If there is, you will get labels no matter what the person's address. If not, families with an incomplete address will disappear from your label sheets.
  • It is also possible that names may seem to disappear when printing labels for individuals. Check the system defaults (Edit > System Setup > System Defaults) under the Labels tab to see if there is a check beside "Combine family members onto a single label when possible". For example, if you were printing labels for your altar servers and both Susan Pope and John Pope (sister and brother) were in that category, you would get a single label addressed to "Susan and John Pope". This is designed to reduce the amount of postage required to send out information.

Version 3.0 improves your ability to control what information is printed. However, it does make things more complicated. As long as you know what the program is doing, you should be able to generate reports with the names you want to appear.

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Content copyright © 2001-2009 David Marchak
This page last updated September 13, 2020