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David Marchak

Paritek Versions

Paritek, like other programs, continues to evolve and improve over time. These are some of the features and fixes that have been made to the program. If you are using an older version, you should upgrade to the latest version (which can be obtained for free via e-mail).

Version 3.05 New Feature
Prints 2004 version of Project Advance pledge cards
Version 3.05 Bug Fixes
Export Project Advance information now works properly if you check "export all names"
Traditional marriage notification letter now has names on return portion of form
Phone numbers can be printed in custom reports (bug appeared in version 3.04)
Update letters now says one "letter" per... instead of one "line" per...
Donations for one contributor report -- no spaces in front of envelope number when entered
Marriage Register browse displays full spouse name; finds correct record when changing
Version 3.04 New Features
More help available from program, more specific to program (if F1 pressed)
Register counters may be four digits long (was three)
Ability to print Paritek file status window; now uses "Pre-year" instead of "Other" column; important numbers appear in bold print
Optional salutation ("Dear...") on letters
Signature graphic can be printed on confirmation, marriage notices
Optional notice of marriage with Latin and return card
Default family status code (when adding new families)
Annual Spiritual Report provides more and more accurate information
Count per area report now displays four columns per page (in case there are many areas defined)
Receipt summary has optional weekly, special, adjusted breakdown
Error messages in weekly entry stop you if you press a number before pressing Enter (ensuring you don't miss the message while making entries)
Function keys added for shortcut buttons (Browse Families, Weekly Donations, Calendar)
Features for United Church added, including Date and Method of Joining, Catholic Registers removed, First Communion, Confession removed from individual entry
Includes Paritek Backup version 1.03:
Program uses log file (not dates) to determine which disk is in which set
Checks space available on first diskette after removing old backup files
Restoring with no log file no longer causes "wrong set" error
If backup fails, program logs this as an incomplete backup
Version 3.04 Bug Fixes
When exporting pledge cards, program checks if destination folder exists before starting export of data
If default phone number "604-" and phone number entered as "604555-1234", program no longer changes this to "604-55--1234"
Donations for one contributor and Detailed income tax receipt now note if receipt has been adjusted (total amount changed)
Family listings where first address line is blank move second address line to first
Reports which start each page with a new letter no longer confused by upper and lower case letters in same list
Print total special donations progress window now cyan, not grey
Print Project Advance import error report displays error message if there are no records in the file
Adding areas with streets from "8800" to "12000" no longer confused because "8800" is larger than "12000"
Adding custom report fields sets new field's left margin to 100 more than field which is furthest right, sets width to 1000 or remaining width on right side of report
Custom reports check if portrait reports too wide when switching from landscape
Sort Name in Yearly file set when saving family information (if it changes)
Able to select by contact type (primary, secondary, other)
If you try to add a new envelope when a contribution record exists (with no number), error message reminds you to change that record
Adding a donation record without an envelope number from family entry window now sets internal counter correctly
Deleting a family with an unused envelope number now allows that number to be assigned to another family
In death register, the funeral must be in the current year, but the date of death may occur in the prior year
The "Start New Year" button now sets the year to the prior year (if it has not yet been set)
Certificates now print bottom four lines of text in larger fonts without cutting off bottom of letters
Deleting yearly records with values of $0.00 should now work in all cases
When adding to a weekly donation record, program sets value to add back to zero if total is less than zero
Version 3.03 New Features
Prints 2003 version of Project Advance pledge cards
Uses print flag (not account number) to determine which families will be exported or printed
Print pledge cards for families registered since a given date
Version 3.02 New Features
Print labels by selecting one family and/or individual at a time
Query these selections for reports or letters
Separate apartment/unit number from rest of address with dash or comma
Help screens expanded to include information from manual
Total donations graph allows for each year to be displayed on a separate page
Assign envelope numbers for next year based on date of last contribution
Print "other" notations on baptismal certificates
Includes Paritek Backup version 1.02:
Backup Program has menu option to return to Paritek
Version 3.02 Bug Fixes
When entering graphic files, program removes path if it matches the local path (allows program to find files when working with networked files)
When selecting a code, "Select" now the only default button
When selecting a code, changing tabs stays on browse list
"Suite" now displayed as part of address on all windows
Marriage register browse table now displays full second name
When finding envelope user by name, tool tip no longer displays
Typo on marriage certificate "presence" now spelled correctly
Adding new confirmation does not duplicate comments from last confirmation record
Parish name at top of reports should not overlap heading
Exporting Project Advance information with account numbers works
Assigning envelope numbers now has confirm before beginning
Cannot change name on envelope number without changing contributions
Version 3.01 New Features
Parish name appears in Windows frame and on task bar
Area printed on all three copies of pledge card (if asked for)
Names on certificates now printed in a larger font than rest of text
If printing certificate for future date, "printed" date matches sacrament date
Individual phone numbers appear on family browse windows
Total donations graph now scales better
When selecting contributor by name, more information is displayed on selection window
If printing donations for one category, option to include donations from all family members
Several new variables added for custom reports
Version 3.01 Bug Fixes
F3 key now saves when entering family category
Custom reports and letters now sort in upper case
Baptisms may take place in year other than record year
After assigning envelope number to contributor who made donations without a number, that number can be used in the weekly donations entry window
Option to not print incomplete labels now works
When entering field to find, delete key just deletes a letter and does not attempt to delete the highlighted record
When entering file names, program now resets default directory
Adding new family assigns family code more reliably

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Content copyright © 2001-2009 David Marchak
This page last updated September 13, 2020