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Dunc Wilson recorded the first shutout in Canuck
Canuck Match
Game: How Acquired
Match the player names on
the left to the method the Canucks used to acquire them.
A. Murray Baron |
1. First round
draft pick in 1994 |
B. Todd Bertuzzi |
2. Sixth round
draft pick in 1997 |
C. Dan Cloutier |
3. First round
draft pick in 1999 |
D. Matt Cooke |
4. Obtained in a
trade for Adrian Aucoin |
E. Jan Hlavac |
5. Obtained in a
trade for Donald Brashear |
F. Brendan
Morrison |
6. Obtained in a
trade for Trevor Linden |
G. Markus Naslund |
7. Obtained in a
trade for Alexander Mogilny |
H. Mattias Ohlund |
8. Obtained in a
trade for Peter Schaefer |
I. Sami Salo |
9. Obtained in a
trade for Alek Stojanov |
J. Daniel Sedin |
10. Signed as a
free agent in July 1998 |
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