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terrific ... wonderful ...
very cool ... fantastic ... awesome ... wow ...
thank you.
If you have enjoyed your
visit to the Canuck Library, I welcome your comments and
suggestions. If I have time (and I like what you have
to say), I may even add your comments to this page.
Share your comments
Date |
From |
Comments |
2016 |
Jon |
appreciate the wealth of info you provide for the
Canucks! |
site was on hiatus for six years! Now that I'm
updating it, some people are actually taking a
look (again) and even sending the rare comment. |
2009 |
Marla |
Very cool site, I
stumbled across it looking for some info on
Canuck rookies. Very cool to have all the stats
and stories about my favourite team. Thanks for
creating the site. |
2009 |
Canucks.com |
I just wanted to
say thanks for creating The Canucks Library. I'm
a writer with Canucks.com and I'm putting
together a story on hat tricks in Canucks
history, naturally information has been hard to
come by other than what's in the Vancouver media
guide. Your site has been exceptionally helpful
and will ensure that my story is a gem - at least
Thanks again for the great site, it's been a big
help. |
2008 |
Vernon, BC |
Thank you for
this wonderful site. I love reading the one
game at a time stats, as I can pick out the ones
I remember from years gone by. I'm
anxiously awaiting an update to this site! |
2008 |
Vancouver |
Hey, I just
discovered this site and I have to say
Great job. I've been a Canuck fan since the WHL
days, (shows my age), and just running down the
roster brought back so many memories. I remember
Wikins first goal, and Lafayette ringing the
post, along with so many more. You forgot one
great nickname. Larry Goodenough was
"Izzy". |
11, 2007 |
Coconuts Co. |
This is a
fanastic site and sure beats any NHL
fan-generated site I've seen so far on the Web.
Would love to see someone come up with something
like this on old WHL Canucks, too. Couldn't agree
more with Orca Borg (who just happen to charge
the NHL's highest avg price for playoff games in
'07). Bag the Free Willy logo and look at
Luongo...even he gets it on his white
mask--Johnny Canuck should be the Nux logo. |
2006 |
Vancouver |
I wanted to drop
you a line to thank you for the terrific website
you put together and maintain. Over the last few
years, I've researched and written two hockey
books (see www.maniagohockeybook.com) and both have benefited
from your handiwork. As with my books, I can only
assume your site is a labour of love. The
organization and thoroughness of the site
(particularly the game-by-game history) was
invaluable to me as a quick reference and many a
time saved me diving into my (or Jim Robson's)
hand written notes.
Many thanks and keep up the good work.....perhaps
we'll cross paths in the future. |
2003 |
Halifax, NS |
Great site. I
just saw this ...awesome! Especially the story of
what a Canuck is. I haven't tried the Wordperfect
thing as you did yet. Haha! It is widely known
that the Canadian National Rugby teams are known
as the Canucks also. [Pretty much any person
or group representing Canada can be called
Canucks. ie the Crazy Canucks ski team. --dm] |
2003 |
Richmond |
Really great fan
site, brought back a lot of great memories of
forgotten Canucks (loved Dan Hodgson who, I
recall, screwed up his pension when he attempted
to come back from his broken leg). One thing -
would like to see an all-time transaction log, so
we can see who came from where. Go Canucks! |
2003 |
Dev Vancouver
Absolutely an
awesome job. I've been a die hard hockey fan for
a long time, and this site is like candy. My
favorite canuck of all time is Tony Tanti (should
be a five star player in your all-time roster).
Here is a guy who excelled on some truly bad
teams. If he had played on a contender, he would
have been a consistent 60 goal scorer in his
heyday. Once again great job!!! |
2003 |
Edmonton, AB |
I love this site
after just browsing for a few minutes.
Great work on all the stats, I will be sure to
add it to my favourites and come visit it
often! THANK YOU very much for your efforts
over the years, from a transplanted canuck fan. |
Older messages have been
removed from this page. |
A couple
years back, this page was hijacked by the spambots, so I
disabled the form at the bottom of the page. When I put
the code back for the form, the spam started flowing
again. Let's try email and see how it goes.