Stats: All the numbers you
can handle (and then some).

If you like Goal Graph and Point Percentages
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Winning Percentage Graph.

Markus Naslund led the Canucks in goals six straight seasons starting in 1998-99.

Goal Graph and Point Percentages

There are two graphs featured here, examining the role of the leading goal scorer or point producer on the Canucks each season.


Highest Goal Percentage:
22.8% - Pavel Bure (1997-98: 51 of 224)
21.5% - Pavel Bure (1993-94: 60 of 279)
19.8% - Alexander Mogilny (1995-96: 55 of 278)
18.8% - Markus Naslund (1998-99: 36 of 192)
18.4% - Ron Sedlbauer (1978-79: 40 of 217)

Highest Point Percentage:
41.8% - Henrik Sedin (2009-10: 112 of 268)
40.3% - Daniel Sedin (2010-11: 104 of 258)
40.2% - Pavel Bure (1997-98: 90 of 224)
39.4% - Markus Naslund (2002-03: 104 of 264)
38.7% - Daniel Sedin (2006-07: 84 of 217)

Goal Graph

This graph shows the percentage of goals scored by the leading Canuck scorer for each year. For example, in 1970-71, Rosaire Paiement led the Canucks in goals with 34. The Canucks scored a total of 229 goals which means that Paiement scored 14.8% of the total Canuck goals that year.

Point Percentages

This graph is similar to the one above, except that it charts the Canuck with the most points each season. For example, in 1970-71, Andre Boudrias led the Canucks with 66 points. He was directly involved in 29.2% of the Canuck goals that season (either scoring or assisting on those goals).

Goals and points are based on those accumulated while with the Canucks only. For example, Dan Quinn is often listed as leading the Canucks in points during 1989-90, but he recorded 29 of his 63 points while with the Pittsburgh Penguins. Paul Reinhart recorded the most points for the Canucks during 1989-90.

No individual player is awarded a goal -- or a point -- in a shootout. On these charts, the total team goals are those that were scored in regulation time or overtime.

Content copyright © 2001-2016 David Marchak
This page last updated September 13, 2020