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Dozens of errors in the official Canuck media
guide have been fixed thanks to the Canuck Librarian.
Fine Print
The Canuck Library
is not affiliated with the Vancouver Canucks in
any way, shape or form. All articles are the express
opinion of the author (me) and do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the Vancouver Canucks,
Canucks Sports and Entertainment, or any of their
employees. Any use of the Canuck (or any other) logo
comes with the explicit knowledge that these are
registered trademarks of their teams.
have been accumulated from various sources (including
personal observation) over several years. Some of these
sources may have copyrighted their content, but I believe
you cannot copyright basic facts. Besides, by promoting
the game of hockey, I help keep these people employed. I
offer no guarantee that the statistics presented are 100%
accurate, although every effort is made to achieve