North Delta Senior Secondary
Grad Class of 1983

Steve Whawell -- Tribute

A former graduate of North Delta Senior Secondary School was killed in a motor vehicle accident on October 20 [1984]. Steve Whawell was a member of the "Class of 83". He will be remembered as an excellent athlete, an outstanding citizen and a conscientious academic student.   Steve was the quarterback of the Huskies Football team. In his senior year, he was selected to represent North Delta Senior Secondary at B.C. Amateur Football Association camp where student representatives from throughout the province spend a week working at skill development. At the conclusion of the week, Steve brought pride to N.D.S.S. as the recipient of "The Most Inspirational Player Award".  

Steve was very competitive but in a somewhat quiet and humble manner. He could always be depended upon to get the job done. He did not talk a good show, but rather performed a good show. The coaches of the football team recognized his inspirational leadership qualities and selected him as team captain of the Huskies in his graduation year. He led by example and was the push behind the success of the team - never criticizing, always encouraging his team-mates in a positive manner.  

Steve excelled in citizenship as well. He unselfishly gave his time to volunteer for a variety of extracurricular activities in our school. He was socially well-received and highly respected by his teachers, his coaches and his fellow classmates. He possessed a happy, smiling disposition, had a good sense of humour and was a pleasant, considerate and dependable student.  

-- Tribute from October 1984

I believe the tribute was written by a teacher from NDSS; most probably Mr. Becker. NDSS started the "Steve Whawell Memorial Award" after his death, and it goes to the Top Athlete in Grade 12 who has demonstrated strong Academic, Leadership, and Citizenship characteristics. It is still given out at the annual Commencement Awards and the plaque is in the display case at the entrance of the school.  

We were actually hit by a drunk driver (in a stolen tanker truck, without headlights, who ran his red light), at the intersection of 96th Avenue & Scott Road. The tanker truck pushed us through the intersection to the gas station on the opposite corner. Steve died immediately. The truck continued down Scott Road hill and the driver was caught by police when he abandoned the truck at the bottom of the hill. The driver was from Alberta where he had a very long criminal record, ironically, mostly DUI's, and in the end, because it was the first fatality he caused, he recieved 18 months in jail (which at that time was the maximum sentence). We heard that he was released early.

-- Shelley (Pincket) Skye


WHAWELL - Steven on October 20, 1984, late of Delta, aged 19 years. Survived by his loving parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Whawell of Delta, 2 sisters; Debbie and Kristine; 1 brother; Jason, all at home; his grandmother, Mrs. E. Whawell in England, aunts, uncles and cousins, and his loving friend, Shelley Pincket. Funeral services will be held Thursday, October 25 at 1:00 pm from the Avalon Surrey Funeral Home, 13288 108th Avenue, Surrey. Rev. Bob Baird officiating. In lieu of other tributes, donations to the BC Cancer Fund would be appreciated. Internment at Valley View Memorial Gardens.

Steve Whawell -- 1983

Saying: Hariwooooood!
Pet Peeve: people who have pet peeves
Pet Name: Steve
Event: my sweet sixteen birthday
Plans: to marry my present girlfriend and make my mark in sports medicine
Last Will: to be buried in the ashes of unwilling cremated carniferous trees.
If you have any further thoughts, memories or information about Steve's life or his passing, please .
Page maintained by David Marchak
Last updated September 13, 2020