North Delta Senior Secondary
Grad Class of 1983

Christine Mitzel -- 2005

I am married with two boys aged 13 and 15. I am a Teaching Assistant for the Delta District and have been working for them for the last three years.

I read my profile. I do not remember saying that I wanted to burn my dairy unread but that is something I would want to do.

Christine Buttery -- 1983

Saying: What are you doing? or That's Life
Pet Peeve: Teachers who change their minds and crowded hallways.
Event: Watching the guys
Plans: Plan to take hair dressing, then a cooking course at P.V.I.
Last Will: That my diary be burnt, unread.

Grade 11 photo used as no photo appeared in grade 12 annual.

Page maintained by David Marchak
Last updated September 19, 2020